Our mission to create positive change in the world does not start and end with fashion. The Untouched World Foundation has been empowering the next generation with leadership skills to build a regenerative future since 2000.
We passionately believe that educating young adults on key issues facing society is how we can make the most positive impact on our world. By facilitating programmes that unlock our young people's unique leadership potential, we can inspire them to become active change-makers.
We deliver week-long field leadership programmes across New Zealand, engaging late secondary and tertiary students (aged 16-30) in groundbreaking, experiential learning based around regenerative practices. We also run ALP (Advanced Leadership) programmes with graduates.
Since its inception alongside the Untouched World™ clothing brand in 2000 we have graduated over 3,000 students and developed key domestic and international partnerships, including the Department Of Conservation, Rata Foundation, Ministry of Youth Development and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Global Action Programme (GAP).
We also have multiple local partner organisations in the regions where we operate from the private, public and NGO sectors.
Our Programmes
Our UWF programmes are specially designed to inspire and enrich our youth with leadership skills and knowledge through hands-on field work and teachings from experts. Our current programmes mainly focus on water and biodiversity, with an emphasis on cultural harmony and understanding.

Blumine Island Biodiversity
Since 2002, we have been working to restore Blumine Island to is original, predator-free state. We were excited to achieve that in 2010. The focus now, is to create and maintain a sanctuary for vulnerable native flora and fauna to thrive.
Over the course of the week, students are taught what needs to be done to help the island and how to achieve it, before being given full control to collectively plan and take action. Students learn valuable leadership skills, as well as cultural and conservational best practice in the context of biodiversity.

Waterwise Canterbury & Otago
Water is our most precious resource, and it is our job to protect it. Waterwise Canterbury & Otago gives students the opportunity to explore four primary issues relating to water: use, availability, quality and economics.
Students are exposed to, and interact with, all players in the water resource chain; from the primary energy players, through to the farming, recreation, cultural and conservation interests, all of whom are involved in sustainable water management.
This programme allows students to develop their leadership skills and to learn how to turn their ideas into actions, while understanding how to better protect our water for future generations.

Advanced Leader Programme (ALP)
Our advanced Leadership Programme takes graduate students from our field programmes and further develops their leadership skills, effectively stair-casing them into further education or employment. Deliberately designed for 15 (rather than 30 participants, this enables both customised work individually (I Am Capable), and as a collective (We Are Capable) outcome based tuakana student-led design. The primary purpose of these programmes is to build bold personal ambition and encourage acts of leadership within the community.